What is Seaweed Extract?

Seaweed Extract is a naturally sourced ingredient that is packed with the skins favourite vitamins and minerals.  

At SKINICIAN we use Fucus vesiculosus (or Bladderwrack) Extract which is a type of brown seaweed that grows in the Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and North Pacific Ocean. 

It is rich in iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, Vitamin A, C, D, E and B12. Seaweed Extract has been used for years in medicine due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This makes it a great ingredient for healthy skin.

Skin benefits of Seaweed Extract

Boosts Collagen
Keeps skin firm and hydrated, helping with visible signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Powerful antioxidant protection
Prevents oxidative damage to skin cells by helping to stimulate healthy skin growth and repair from daily environmental damage. 

Helps calm and fight skin infections, great for eczema, and psoriasis.

Firms skin
Due to its concentration of iodine, seaweed helps to increase the skin's natural moisturising factor. This not only treats ageing concerns, but it also helps firm the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite too.

Why We Use Seaweed Extract

“We choose Bladderwrack seaweed for its powerful, antioxidant protection abd ability to boost collagen for firmer, more hydrated skin. We have included Seaweed Extract in our Exfoliating Body Scrub as it has been used for many years in helping fight against cellulite. Teamed with other anti-ageing and protective ingredients for the body, we love the fact that it is a natural and multifunctional ingredient." - Shelley Martin, Co-Founder & New Product Development Lead

Seaweed Extract Skincare Products

Who Seaweed Extract Is Best For

Seaweed Extract is beneficial for all skin types and healthy skin functions. It is a great ingredient to help fight against cellulite and the visible signs of ageing.

Things to Consider Before Using Seaweed Extract

No known allergies, however as it is a natural ingredient, if irritation occurs discontinue use. Suitable for daily use.

Before and After Using Seaweed Extract

Take a look at some of our real before and afters taken by customers who used SKINICIAN Exfoliating Body Scrub containing seaweed extract: